Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Guest Safety And Security In Hotel

Individuals and groups generally can define security, as the condition of safety of life and property and provision of a peaceful and stable environment for daily conduct of lawful activities with a community.

Safety and Security is applicable to all strata of human endeavour be it political, economic and social activities to maintain a high rate of Security is not the responsibility of assets but id a task for all citizens.

In view of the aforementioned both the guest and the management of the hotel has a lot do to main safety of the guest in a hotel.

Responsibility Of The Management
It is pertinent to give adequate attention to Security of a guest in a hotel because anyone can be the victim of lapses on the part of the management of any hotel any time,. Therefore, Security and safety of hotels and matters of utmost concern to its customers, especially in the third world where many hotels lack adequate protective and preventive measures against attacks or Security threats.

The first thing to put into consideration is adequate understanding of the structure and environment where the hotel is located. Environment in this content include; history, mission, philosophy, processes, organizational structure and the staff strength of the hotel.

The management of hotels should through their security department carry out physical Security survey of the are where the hotel is located in order to understand better activities that go on around the hotel.
Also character check of all the guard/security men must be done before and at intervals to check their other activities that might be detrimental to safety and security of other guests.

In an attempt to achieve total safety and security of guests the following highlighted practical steps should be carried out by the management of the hotel, in compliance with basic requirements imposed by the appropriate regulatory agencies of the country of operation. 
        They are:
i. Effective screening and observation of new employees and identification cards for all personnel;
ii. Exist/entry control, including the use of visitor’s tags;
iii. Use of screened and well trained Security guards to prevent recruitment of people of questionable character as Security guards;
iv. Use of adequate Security gadgets such as Close Circuit Television (CCTV);
v. Well illuminated environment, including the perimeter wall fencing with barded wire to prevent unauthorized access;
vi. Provision of incentive and other good welfare packaged for the hotel Security department to prevent possible compromise of Security of the hotel;
vii. Fire preventive measures should be ensured, For instance there should be working fire extinguisher with constant drills to Security guards on how to use it in case of emergency; and
viii. The management should ensure that a reliable means of communication is available for Security purpose and in other case of emergency services.

Responsibility Of Hotel Guest
Many people reading this article now falls into this category and it will do you and I a great favour if we can follow some of the highlighted roles and duties of a hotel guest to the latter.

Accordingly, guest who visits should endeavour to do the following to assist themselves and the hotel management in ensuring the Security and safety of the hotel:-
i. Give their correct identity including telephone numbers and contact address;
ii. Leave all their valuables with the security department, who will on turn-ensure proper records keeping of such items for safe keeping;
iii. Report promptly all suspicious telephone calls to the security department of the hotel for appropriate actions;
iv. Report any other incident of Security interest, including smoke from electrical appliance and sockets in their rooms to the appropriate department of the hotel for immediate rectification of such faults;
v. Switch off electrical appliances in their rooms, including Television and Air conditioners whenever they are leaving their rooms; and
vi. Abide by the Security and Safety measures put in place by the hotel management.

Conclusively, it is believed that no organization can achieve 100% safety and security, nevertheless, if all the above highlighted measures are put in place and abide by the hotel management and guest the rate of Security threat to the guests would be reduced to a bearest minimum.
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